How to Connect an MP3 TF-16P Module to ESP32 with MicroPython

Learn how to connect and program the MP3 TF-16P module ESP32 setup using MicroPython. Includes wiring diagrams, file organization tips, use cases, and example code for seamless audio playback.

The MP3 TF-16P module ESP32 combination is a powerful way to bring audio playback to your embedded projects. This module provides a straightforward solution for integrating sound effects, music, and other audio functionalities into your ESP32 applications. By following the steps in this guide, you will learn how to wire, power, and program the MP3 TF-16P module ESP32 setup using MicroPython.

Whether you’re building an interactive toy, a voice-guided system, or a fun sound effects machine, the MP3 TF-16P module ESP32 setup offers flexibility and ease of use. In this article, we will discuss wiring diagrams, best practices for powering the module, and a sample script to get you started. With proper file organization and stable connections, your audio-enabled projects will perform seamlessly.

Check the Datasheet here.

Table of Contents

MP3-TF-16P Pinout

MP3-TF-16P Pinout
MP3-TF-16P Pinout

Use Cases

  1. Interactive Toys: Add engaging sound effects or music to children’s toys for a more immersive experience.
  2. Smart Home Devices: Implement voice notifications or background music in smart speakers or automation systems.
  3. Educational Tools: Enhance learning kits with audio feedback or instructions for interactive experiments.
  4. Art Installations: Create ambient soundscapes or interactive audio features for creative projects.

Materials Needed

  • ESP32 development board
  • MP3 TF-16P module
  • MicroSD card (formatted to FAT32) with folders like 000, 001, etc.
  • Speaker or headphones
  • Level shifter module or amplifier (optional for higher volume)
  • Jumper wires
  • Breadboard

Wiring Diagram

Diagram of an ESP32 connected to an MP3 TF-16P module with labeled pins for 3.3V, GND, RX, and TX, showing the recommended wiring setup for stable operation.
Clear wiring diagram showcasing the ESP32 connected to the MP3 TF-16P module, including recommended power connections and UART pin configuration for smooth audio playback.
MP3 TF-16P PinESP32 PinNotes
VCC5VRecommended for stable operation; 3.3V may cause choppiness
GNDGNDCommon ground is essential
RXDGPIO17 (TX)Serial communication
TXDGPIO16 (RX)Serial communication
SPK_1, SPK_2SpeakerUse an amplifier for higher volume

For more information on ESP32 pin configurations, refer to this comprehensive ESP32 pinout guide.

Powering Notes

  • Use 5V for reliable performance. Operating at 3.3V can result in choppy audio playback.
  • For louder volume settings, integrate an amplifier circuit or level shifter module to ensure consistent output.

File Organization

To ensure the module can read files correctly:

  • Organize files into numbered folders like 000, 001, 002, etc.
  • Inside each folder, name files sequentially as 001.mp3, 002.mp3, etc.

MicroPython Example Code

Below is an example script to control the MP3 TF-16P module ESP32 setup using MicroPython:

from machine import UART, Pin
import time

# Initialize UART2 (TX2 and RX2 on ESP32)
uart = UART(2, baudrate=9600, tx=17, rx=16)  # TX2=GPIO17, RX2=GPIO16

def send_command(command, param=0):
    Sends a command to the MP3-TF-16P module.
    :param command: The command byte.
    :param param: The parameter for the command (16-bit value).
    packet = bytearray([
        0x7E,       # Start byte
        0xFF,       # Version
        0x06,       # Length
        command,    # Command
        0x00,       # Feedback (0x00 = no feedback)
        (param >> 8) & 0xFF,  # Parameter high byte
        param & 0xFF,         # Parameter low byte
        0xEF        # End byte

def play_track(track_number):
    Plays a specific track from the SD card.
    :param track_number: The track number to play (1-based index).
    print(f"Playing track: {track_number}")
    send_command(0x03, track_number)

def set_volume(volume):
    Sets the playback volume.
    :param volume: Volume level (0-30).
    if 0 <= volume <= 30:
        print(f"Setting volume to: {volume}")
        send_command(0x06, volume)
        print("Volume out of range (0-30)")

def stop_playback():
    Stops playback.
    print("Stopping playback")

# Example usage
def main():
    print("Initializing MP3-TF-16P module")
    time.sleep(1)  # Allow time for the module to initialize
    set_volume(20)  # Set volume to a moderate level
    play_track(1)  # Play the first track
    time.sleep(5)  # Wait for 5 seconds
    stop_playback()  # Stop playback

# Run the example

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Ensure proper UART connections.
  • Check file naming and folder structure on the microSD card.
  • Operate at 5V for smooth playback.


The MP3 TF-16P module ESP32 setup is an excellent choice for adding audio to embedded projects. By following the wiring guidelines, powering instructions, and file organization tips provided, you can achieve smooth and reliable performance. The provided MicroPython example code offers a solid starting point to integrate the MP3 TF-16P module ESP32 into your applications.

With the flexibility and ease of use this setup provides, you can bring your creative ideas to life, whether it’s for a smart device or an educational project. Experiment with different audio files and configurations to explore the full potential of your MP3 TF-16P module ESP32 projects.

For more details on enhancing your ESP32 projects, check out our in-depth tutorials.

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  1. Kory quis

    I appreciate the detailed explanation, very helpful!

    1. Sam Galope

      You’re very welcome! 😊 I’m so glad the explanation was helpful to you. If you ever need more details or have additional questions, feel free to reach out—I’m always here to help!

  2. Greem

    Thanks for your help and for writing this post. It’s been great.

    1. Sam Galope

      You’re very welcome! I’m glad you found it helpful. If you’re into ESP32 projects, you might enjoy this guide:

      How to Monitor Soil Moisture Levels with an ESP32 and Soil Moisture Sensor using MicroPython.

      Let me know if you have any ESP32 project ideas or questions—happy to help! 🚀