Micropython MAX7219 LED Matrix Driver Documentation

Explore the Micropython MAX7219 LED Matrix Driver, a powerful library by Mike Causer for controlling cascaded 8×8 LED matrices with MicroPython. Learn how to integrate and use it in your projects to create dynamic and interactive LED displays.

The Micropython MAX7219 LED Matrix Driver by Mike Causer is a valuable tool for anyone working with cascaded 8×8 LED matrices using MicroPython. First released in 2017, this library provides a straightforward approach to controlling multiple LED matrices, making it an essential resource for projects involving visual displays. Available on GitHub, it offers compatibility with microcontrollers such as the ESP32, and simplifies the process of creating everything from basic static displays to dynamic, animated visuals. Whether you’re a beginner exploring the world of microcontrollers or an experienced developer, this driver provides all the tools necessary to add visually stunning elements to your projects.

As MicroPython continues to gain popularity in the DIY electronics community, the Micropython MAX7219 LED Matrix Driver remains a crucial library for developers looking to incorporate LED matrices into their work. The driver offers clear, easy-to-follow instructions, making it accessible for users at all skill levels. In this documentation, we will explore the features of the MAX7219 driver, demonstrating how to effectively implement it in your own projects, and showcasing its full potential for creating vibrant and engaging LED displays.

Repository Link: MAX7219 MicroPython Driver

  • Author: Mike Causer
  • License: MIT License
  • Copyright: (c) 2017 Mike Causer

Table of Contents

Motivation for This Documentation

While the MAX7219 library is functional and dependable, its existing documentation leaves much to be desired. Beginners and even experienced developers often find the provided instructions inadequate due to:

  1. Lack of Clarity: The documentation is not descriptive enough for first-time users.
  2. Insufficient Examples: Few examples are provided, leaving users guessing how to implement advanced features.
  3. Beginners Unfriendly: Concepts like SPI wiring, cascading displays, and brightness control are not explained in detail.
  4. Debugging Challenges: Troubleshooting erratic behavior due to wiring or grounding issues is not covered.

This comprehensive guide aims to address these shortcomings by providing detailed explanations, examples, and troubleshooting tips.

Features of the MAX7219 LED Matrix Driver

An 8x8 LED matrix display wired to the MAX7219 driver chip, illustrating its setup with microcontrollers for dynamic LED control.
An 8×8 LED matrix display connected to the MAX7219 chip, perfect for creating scrolling text and animations with an ESP32.
  1. Support for Cascading: Control multiple 8×8 LED matrices (daisy-chained) with a single SPI connection.
  2. FrameBuffer Integration: Utilize MicroPython’s framebuf library for drawing graphics, text, and animations.
  3. Customizable Brightness: Adjust the intensity of LEDs.
  4. Efficient Communication: Optimized for high-speed SPI communication.
  5. Minimal Resource Usage: Lightweight driver ideal for microcontrollers like the ESP32, ESP8266, and Raspberry Pi Pico.

Components Required

To get started, you’ll need:

  • ESP32 (or other MicroPython-supported MCU)
  • 8×8 LED Matrix with MAX7219 driver
  • 5V Power Supply
  • Breadboard
  • Wires

Wiring Diagram

ESP32 connected to an 8×8 LED matrix powered by a 5V source,
illustrating proper wiring with a common ground for stable operation.
ESP32 connected to an 8×8 LED matrix powered by a 5V source, illustrating proper wiring with a common ground for stable operation.


MAX7219 PinESP32 GPIO (Default)Description
VCC5VPower Supply
CSGPIO 5SPI SS (Chip Select)


  • Common Ground: Ensure the power supply ground (GND) is connected to the ESP32’s GND for stable operation.
  • External Power Source: Use a 5V power supply to avoid overloading the ESP32 when driving multiple matrices.


Clone the MAX7219 repository:

git clone https://github.com/mcauser/micropython-max7219.git

Copy the max7219.py file to your MicroPython device’s file system using tools like ampy or Thonny.

Basic Usage

Initialize the Driver

from machine import Pin, SPI
import max7219

# Initialize SPI and MAX7219
spi = SPI(2, baudrate=10000000, polarity=1, phase=0, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(23))
cs = Pin(5, Pin.OUT)

# Create a display instance
matrix = max7219.Matrix8x8(spi, cs, 1)  # One 8x8 matrix

Display Text

matrix.fill(0)  # Clear the display
matrix.text('Hi!', 0, 0, 1)  # Display "Hi!"
matrix.show()  # Render the text


  • Text
  • x,y: Starting point (top-left corner).
  • 1: Color of the line (1 for ON, 0 for OFF).

Draw a Pixel

matrix.pixel(3, 3, 1)  # Turn on the pixel at (3, 3)


  • x,y: Starting point (top-left corner).
  • 1: Color of the line (1 for ON, 0 for OFF).

Draw a Line

matrix.line(0, 0, 7, 7, 1)  # Diagonal line from top-left to bottom-right


  • x,y: Starting point (top-left corner).
  • x1,y2: Ending point (bottom-right corner).
  • 1: Color of the line (1 for ON, 0 for OFF).

Adjust Brightness

matrix.brightness(5)  # Set brightness level (0-15)

Advanced Usage

Cascading Multiple Matrices

  1. Connect multiple 8×8 matrices in series.
  2. Update the Matrix8x8 initialization to reflect the number of matrices:
matrix = max7219.Matrix8x8(spi, cs, 4)  # Four cascaded matrices

Scrolling Text

text = "Hello, World!"
for i in range(len(text) * 8):
    matrix.text(text, -i, 0, 1)  # Scroll text


  • Text
  • x: decrementing (-1)
  • y: Ending point (0).
  • 1: Color of the line (1 for ON, 0 for OFF).

Drawing Shapes

Horizontal Line

matrix.hline(0, 4, 8, 1)  # Horizontal line starting at (0,4) with length 8


  • 0, 4: Starting point (x=0, y=4).
  • 8: Length of the line.
  • 1: Color (1 for ON, 0 for OFF).

Vertical Line

matrix.vline(4, 0, 8, 1)  # Vertical line starting at (4,0) with height 8


  • 4, 0: Starting point (x=4, y=0).
  • 8: Height of the line.
  • 1: Color (1 for ON, 0 for OFF).


matrix.rect(17, 1, 6, 6, 1)  # Draw a rectangle


  • 17, 1: Top-left corner of the rectangle.
  • 6, 6: Width and height.
  • 1: Color (1 for ON, 0 for OFF).

Filled Rectangle

matrix.fill_rect(25, 1, 6, 6, 1)  # Draw a filled rectangle

IconLibrary: A Collection of 8×8 LED Matrix Icons for ESP32

The IconLibrary provides a diverse set of binary icon patterns designed specifically for display on an 8×8 LED matrix using the ESP32 microcontroller. This library includes a variety of commonly used icons such as hearts, stars, arrows, and geometric shapes, each represented as an 8×8 grid of binary values. These patterns can be easily integrated into your projects for custom animations, display projects, or even interactive applications.

Each icon is encoded as a string array where each string represents a row in the 8×8 grid, with '1' representing an illuminated LED and '0' representing an unlit LED. The patterns are flexible and can be modified or expanded as needed to fit the requirements of your project.

The IconLibrary is intended for use with the micropython-max7219 driver, which allows you to interface with the MAX7219 chip to control 8×8 LED matrices efficiently. This integration enables you to easily display a wide range of icons on your LED matrix using the ESP32.

To get started with the IconLibrary, check out the full documentation where you’ll find installation instructions, detailed usage guides, and examples on how to display these icons on your LED matrix.


Common Issues

  1. Erratic Behavior:
    • Ensure a common ground between the ESP32 and the external power supply.
    • Check for loose or incorrect connections.
  2. Dim or No LEDs Lit:
    • Verify the 5V power supply is sufficient (at least 50mA per matrix).
  3. SPI Communication Errors:
    • Use proper GPIO pins for SPI (refer to your board’s documentation).


In conclusion, the Micropython MAX7219 LED Matrix Driver provides an efficient and reliable solution for controlling cascaded 8×8 LED matrices with MicroPython. By simplifying the process of managing multiple LED matrices, it allows developers to focus on creating impactful, visually dynamic projects without getting bogged down in complex code or hardware setup. This driver continues to be an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to bring their MicroPython-based displays to life, offering flexibility and ease of use.

With the Micropython MAX7219 LED Matrix Driver, developers can quickly harness the power of the MAX7219 chip and start building engaging LED displays. Whether you are designing simple text scrolling effects or intricate animations, this driver offers the tools necessary for success. As a widely used and continually supported library, the Micropython MAX7219 LED Matrix Driver remains a go-to solution for those looking to add a visual dimension to their projects.

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