Mastering the ESP32 Button Interrupt in MicroPython for Efficient LED Control

Learn how to use an ESP32 button interrupt in MicroPython to efficiently read button inputs and control LEDs with minimal delay. This method offers a responsive and optimized approach for handling button presses on your ESP32.

An ESP32 button interrupt is a powerful technique for improving the efficiency and responsiveness of embedded systems. Instead of continuously polling a button’s state in a loop, which can lead to delays in response time, interrupts allow the ESP32 to react immediately when a button is pressed. This method significantly reduces lag and ensures that outputs like LEDs are controlled in real-time. In this article, we will explore how to use an ESP32 button interrupt in MicroPython to read button inputs efficiently, ensuring minimal delay in LED response and optimized performance for your projects.

Using interrupts in your ESP32 projects not only enhances speed but also reduces the workload on the microcontroller, allowing it to focus on other tasks while waiting for events. This approach is particularly beneficial for time-sensitive applications where quick and immediate action is required. Whether you’re building interactive lighting systems or real-time user interfaces, mastering the ESP32 button interrupt technique will enable you to create more responsive, resource-efficient systems.

Table of Contents

Watch as this ESP32 project demonstrates the use of button interrupts to efficiently toggle an LED in real time, showcasing instant response to button presses using MicroPython.

Setting Up the ESP32 with MicroPython

Before diving into the code, ensure you have MicroPython installed on your ESP32. You can easily use an IDE like Thonny to upload and execute your code. If MicroPython isn’t set up yet, make sure to flash it onto your ESP32 board before proceeding.

Breadboard wiring for an ESP32 project, showing buttons connected to GPIO pins 15, 4, and 5, and LEDs connected to GPIO pins 21, 19, and 18, demonstrating a simple button-LED control setup.
ESP32 button and LED setup on a breadboard, featuring three buttons connected to GPIO pins 15, 4, and 5, and three LEDs connected to GPIO pins 21, 19, and 18.

In this setup, we will wire one button to GPIO pin 15 and an LED to GPIO pin 21. By using an ESP32 button interrupt, the ESP32 will respond immediately to button presses and toggle the LED without the need for continuous checking of the button state.

Writing the MicroPython Code for ESP32 Button Interrupt

To configure the ESP32 button interrupt, we’ll use the Pin module to define the button and LED, setting up the button to trigger an interrupt when pressed. Here’s a simple example:

from machine import Pin
from time import sleep

# Button and LED setup
btn = Pin(15, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)  # Button connected to GPIO pin 15
led = Pin(21, Pin.OUT)  # LED connected to GPIO pin 21

# Interrupt handler function
def toggle_led(pin):
    led.value(not led.value())  # Toggle the LED state

# Setup the button interrupt
btn.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=toggle_led)

# Main loop - No need for constant polling
while True:
    sleep(1)  # Keep the program running

In this script:

  • The ESP32 button interrupt is configured using the irq() method, which will call the toggle_led() function when the button is pressed (triggered by a falling edge).
  • The button is connected to GPIO pin 15 with a pull-up resistor, and the LED is connected to GPIO pin 21. The interrupt ensures that when the button is pressed, the LED is toggled immediately without any delay.

How the ESP32 Button Interrupt Works

The ESP32 button interrupt immediately activates when the button is pressed, calling the interrupt handler function (toggle_led() in this case). This eliminates the need for a time-consuming polling loop, as the ESP32 reacts instantly to the input.

Using interrupts significantly improves efficiency, allowing the ESP32 to focus on other tasks while waiting for the button press event. With the ESP32 button interrupt setup, you avoid wasting CPU cycles by polling for button states, which optimizes the system’s performance.

Benefits of Using an ESP32 Button Interrupt

  1. Instant Response: The ESP32 button interrupt ensures that the system responds immediately to a button press, providing real-time LED control.
  2. Reduced Power Consumption: Since the ESP32 doesn’t have to continuously check for button states, it consumes less power and can enter low-power modes when idle.
  3. Optimized Performance: By delegating the task of monitoring the button press to the interrupt, the ESP32 can perform other tasks more efficiently without being blocked by a polling loop.


Implementing an ESP32 button interrupt in MicroPython is a game-changer for optimizing button-controlled systems, such as LED control. Interrupts allow the ESP32 to react instantly to button presses, eliminating the delays and inefficiencies that come with polling methods. By setting up an interrupt, you free the microcontroller from constantly checking button states, reducing CPU load and improving overall system performance. This method makes your projects more responsive and efficient, enhancing both user experience and energy consumption.

Whether you’re building simple projects or more complex real-time applications, using ESP32 button interrupts is an essential technique for ensuring fast and reliable system performance. With this knowledge, you can tackle a wide range of projects that require immediate and efficient input handling.

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