Bash Scripting for Server Availability: How to Periodically Check Remote Servers

Bash Scripting for Server Availability: How to Periodically Check Remote Servers
Bash Scripting for Server Availability: How to Periodically Check Remote Servers

In today’s digital landscape, ensuring that your servers are always online and accessible is critical for maintaining the reliability of applications and services. Server availability directly impacts user experience, service delivery, and business continuity. Downtime can lead to lost revenue, decreased user satisfaction, and potential damage to your brand reputation.

To address these concerns, system administrators and DevOps professionals often implement monitoring solutions that regularly check the status of their servers. One effective and cost-efficient method is using a simple Bash script that utilizes the ping command to monitor the status of servers. This approach not only provides quick insights into server health but can also be customized to meet specific needs.

In this article, we will explore how to create a Bash script that periodically checks the availability of remote servers. By incorporating colorful output with relevant Unicode symbols, we enhance the clarity of the information regarding server availability.

Table of Contents

Use Cases for Monitoring Server Availability

  1. Web Hosting Services: For companies that provide web hosting, ensuring server availability is paramount. Regular monitoring can alert administrators to downtime, allowing for quick responses to minimize impact on clients.
  2. E-commerce Platforms: E-commerce websites depend on their servers being operational to handle transactions. Monitoring server availability helps ensure that customers can access the site and complete purchases without issues.
  3. Cloud Services: Businesses that rely on cloud infrastructure can use server availability checks to verify that their cloud instances are running smoothly. This is crucial for applications that require high availability and minimal downtime.
  4. Game Servers: Online gaming services need to maintain server availability to provide players with a seamless experience. Regular checks can help identify issues before they affect users.
  5. Internal IT Infrastructure: Organizations can use server availability monitoring to track the health of internal systems, such as file servers and databases, ensuring that employees have consistent access to the tools they need to perform their jobs.
  6. IoT Devices: For businesses utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) technology, monitoring the availability of connected devices is essential for maintaining functionality and data integrity.


Before you begin, ensure you have access to a Unix-based system (like Linux or macOS) with Bash installed. You should also have permissions to run scripts and access to the servers you want to monitor.

Common Unicode Symbols

Here are some commonly used Unicode symbols that can enhance your script’s output:

✔️U+2714Check mark (Success)
U+274CCross mark (Failure)
🔴U+1F534Red circle
🟢U+1F7E2Green circle
⚠️U+26A0Warning sign
ℹ️U+2139Information sign
🌐U+1F310Globe with meridians

Color Codes

The following color codes can be used in your Bash scripts to enhance output visibility:

Color NameEscape CodeExample Output
Green\e[32mecho -e "\e[32mSuccess\e[0m"
Red\e[31mecho -e "\e[31mError\e[0m"
Yellow\e[33mecho -e "\e[33mWarning\e[0m"
Blue\e[34mecho -e "\e[34mInfo\e[0m"
Reset\e[0mResets the text color

Creating the Bash Script

Open your terminal and create a new file for your script:


Add the following code to the script:


# Define server IPs or hostnames

# Define color codes

# Log file

# Check server status function
check_servers() {
    for SERVER in "$SERVER1" "$SERVER2"; do
        if ping -c 1 "$SERVER" &> /dev/null; then
            echo -e "$(date): ${GREEN}✔️ $SERVER is online${RESET}" >> "$LOGFILE"
            echo -e "$(date): ${RED}❌ $SERVER is offline${RESET}" >> "$LOGFILE"

# Run the check every 5 minutes (300 seconds)
while true; do
    sleep 300

Breakdown of the Script

  • Defining the Servers: You specify the IP addresses or hostnames of the servers you want to monitor for server availability.
  • Color Codes: The script defines color codes for green, red, and yellow text. These colors visually differentiate between online and offline statuses.
  • Log File: The results of the server availability checks will be logged into a file named server_status.log.
  • Checking Server Status: The check_servers function iterates through the list of servers.
  • Ping Conditional:bashCopy codeif ping -c 1 "$SERVER" &> /dev/null; then This line uses the ping command to check if the server is reachable, determining its availability:
  • ping -c 1 "$SERVER": Sends a single ping request to the specified server.
  • &> /dev/null: Redirects both standard output and standard error to /dev/null, effectively silencing any output from the command. This keeps the terminal clean and avoids cluttering the log with unnecessary information.
  • if ...; then: The command returns an exit status. If the ping is successful (the server responds), the exit status is 0, and the block following then executes, logging that the server is online with a check mark (✔️). If the server does not respond, the exit status will be non-zero, and the code block following else executes, logging that the server is offline with a cross mark (❌).
  • Infinite Loop: The script runs indefinitely, checking the servers every 5 minutes. You can adjust the sleep duration as needed.

Making the Script Executable

Before running the script, you’ll need to make it executable. Run the following command in your terminal:

chmod +x

Setting Up a Cron Job (Optional)

To automate the script and ensure continuous monitoring of server availability, you can set up a cron job:

Open your crontab file:

crontab -e

Add the following line to run the script every 5 minutes:

*/5 * * * * /path/to/

Replace /path/to/ with the actual path to your script.


By following this guide, you can effectively monitor server availability using a simple Bash script. The use of colors and Unicode symbols helps to make the output more informative and visually appealing. This method is particularly useful for system administrators and network engineers who need to ensure that critical services remain accessible. You can also extend this script to include notifications, logging to a database, or integrating with monitoring tools for more advanced functionalities.

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