Learn IP Address Fundamentals and Subnetting

Learn IP Address Fundamentals and Subnetting
Learn IP Address Fundamentals and Subnetting

Understanding how an IP address works is fundamental for anyone involved in networking, system administration, or penetration testing. An IP address acts as a unique identifier for each device connected to a network, allowing it to send and receive data across the internet or a local network. Without IP addresses, communication between devices wouldn’t be possible, whether it’s accessing a website, sharing files, or running a network scan. In the context of ethical hacking and cybersecurity, knowing how to interact with IP addresses is essential for tasks such as vulnerability assessments, network troubleshooting, and ensuring secure communication between systems.

Termux, a terminal emulator for Android, makes it easy to view, configure, and analyze IP addresses directly from your mobile device. Whether you’re diagnosing network issues or conducting security testing, Termux provides a robust environment for handling IP-related tasks. This guide introduces you to the basics of IP addressing and subnetting, using Termux commands to manage network configurations. With these tools at your disposal, you can efficiently manage both personal and professional network environments, ensuring optimized connectivity and security.

Table of Contents

What is an IP Address?

An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a unique identifier for a device on a network, allowing it to send and receive data. There are two types of IP addresses in use today:

  1. IPv4: A 32-bit address expressed as four decimal numbers separated by dots (e.g.,
  2. IPv6: A newer, 128-bit address format, written in hexadecimal (e.g., 2001:0db8:85a3::8a2e:0370:7334), designed to overcome the limited number of IPv4 addresses.

Each device must have an IP address to communicate within a network, whether it’s a local area network (LAN) or the internet. If you want to explore more about networking in Termux, check out our guide on performing network scans with Nmap in Termux.

Viewing Your IP Address in Termux

You can easily check your device’s IP address in Termux by using the ifconfig or ip command:

Using ifconfig:


This command lists all network interfaces and their IP addresses.

Using ip:

ip addr show 

This command provides more detailed information about your network interfaces, including both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Both commands will show your device’s local IP address (used within your local network) and your public IP address, which is assigned by your internet service provider if you’re connected to the internet.

For more advanced network management tips, take a look at our tutorial on using Metasploit auxiliary scanners in Termux.

What is Subnetting?

Subnetting is a method used to divide a larger network into smaller, manageable sub-networks, or “subnets.” Every IP address comes with a subnet mask that determines which part of the address refers to the network and which part refers to the individual device (host).

For example:

  • IP Address:
  • Subnet Mask:

In this case, the subnet mask tells you that the first three octets (192.168.1) represent the network, and the last octet (10) represents the device within that network. Understanding this relationship is crucial for managing network traffic efficiently.

Viewing Your Subnet in Termux

To view the subnet configuration of your IP address in Termux, use either the ifconfig or ip command again:

Using ifconfig:


Look for the netmask value next to your interface. This represents your subnet mask.

Using ip:

ip route 

This will show the network routes, including the subnet and associated mask for your IP address.

Calculating Subnet Ranges

Subnetting can be calculated using CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation, which helps you divide an IP address range. For instance, means that the first 24 bits represent the network, leaving 8 bits for hosts within that network. This creates a range of 256 possible IP addresses.

You can use a command-line tool like ipcalc in Termux to calculate subnet ranges:

pkg install ipcalc

This tool will display the network address, broadcast address, and valid range of host IP addresses within the subnet.

Configuring IP Addresses in Termux

If you need to manually assign or modify an IP address in Termux, you can use the ifconfig command to configure the network interface. For example, to assign a static IP address:

ifconfig eth0 netmask up

Here, eth0 is the network interface, is the assigned IP address, and is the subnet mask. The up flag enables the interface with the new settings.

For more about securing your network configuration, check out our guide on securing your Termux environment.


Understanding your device’s IP address and subnet configuration is fundamental to network management and security. With Termux, you can easily view, configure, and troubleshoot IP addresses and subnets directly from your Android device. Whether you’re configuring a local network or troubleshooting a connectivity issue, mastering these basics will enhance your ability to manage network settings effectively in Termux. Explore more advanced network topics by checking out our article on combining Hydra and Nmap for targeted password attacks in Termux.

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