Brute Force Attack WiFi with Hydra in Termux

Brute Force Attack WiFi with Hydra in Termux
Brute Force Attack WiFi with Hydra in Termux

Cybercriminals often target wireless networks due to vulnerabilities such as weak encryption and poor password practices. To stay ahead of potential threats, it’s crucial to regularly test your network’s defenses using tools designed for penetration testing. One such tool is Hydra, which specializes in brute-force attacks to crack passwords, and when combined with Termux, a powerful terminal emulator for Android, you have a mobile solution for effective WiFi security testing.

By utilizing Hydra in Termux, you can conduct a brute force attack WiFi, targeting networks with weak passwords and encryption. This approach allows security testers and ethical hackers to assess potential vulnerabilities in wireless environments, ensuring that network security is up to date and robust. Whether you’re a security professional or just looking to strengthen your personal network’s defenses, following this guide will equip you with the steps needed to automate brute-force attacks on WiFi networks, helping you stay protected against possible intrusions.

Table of Contents


Before you begin, ensure that the following tools and conditions are met:

Termux is installed on your Android device.

Hydra is installed in Termux:

pkg install hydra

A wireless network adapter capable of monitor mode and packet injection is required for capturing WiFi handshakes.

Remember, always conduct security tests with permission, as unauthorized access to WiFi networks is illegal and unethical.

Step 1: Identifying the Target Wireless Network

To initiate a brute force attack WiFi, you need to first identify the target network. Using tools from the Aircrack-ng suite, like Airodump-ng, you can scan for nearby networks. Install the suite with:

pkg install aircrack-ng

Then run the following command to list all available networks:

airodump-ng wlan0

This will show the network names, BSSID (MAC address), channels, and encryption types of nearby WiFi networks. Choose the one you want to test, and take note of its BSSID and channel.

Step 2: Capturing the WPA/WPA2 Handshake

To proceed with the brute force attack WiFi, you need to capture the WPA/WPA2 handshake, which will later be used to crack the network password. Use Airodump-ng for this task:

airodump-ng --bssid <BSSID> --channel <channel> --write capture wlan0

Here, replace <BSSID> and <channel> with the actual details of the target network. Allow the tool to run until it captures the handshake.

Step 3: Performing the Brute Force Attack WiFi with Hydra

With the handshake file saved, you are now ready to perform the brute force attack WiFi using Hydra. The attack involves testing a large set of potential passwords (also known as a password list) until the correct one is found. You will need a password list, which can either be downloaded or created manually.

Run the Hydra command as follows:

hydra -l <username> -P /path/to/password_list.txt wlan0 -V

In this command:

  • <username> refers to the target network’s login name (often “admin”).
  • /path/to/password_list.txt is the location of your password list file.

Hydra will then go through the password list, trying each one to break into the WiFi network. For more information on crafting effective password lists, check out our detailed guide on custom password lists with Hydra.

Step 4: Automating the Brute Force Attack WiFi

To simplify this process, you can automate the tasks of scanning, capturing handshakes, and running Hydra with a simple script. Here’s an example:



# Start capturing the handshake
airodump-ng --bssid $target_bssid --channel $channel --write capture wlan0 &

# Run Hydra brute-force attack
hydra -l admin -P $password_list wlan0 -V

Make the script executable using chmod +x and run it. This automation will help streamline your brute force attack WiFi process.


Leveraging Hydra for a brute force attack WiFi within Termux offers a powerful and mobile solution for testing the security of wireless networks. By combining tools like Airodump-ng and Hydra, you can efficiently crack weak WiFi passwords and identify potential vulnerabilities. However, it’s essential to operate within legal boundaries and always have explicit permission to test the networks you target.

For more network security insights, check out our article on securing your Termux environment. If you’re interested in further optimizing your penetration testing workflows, consider reading our detailed guide on combining Hydra and Nmap for targeted password attacks.

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