Hydra HTTP/HTTPS Brute Force Attacks in Termux: A Guide for Ethical Hackers

HTTP/HTTPS Brute Force Attacks in Termux
HTTP/HTTPS Brute Force Attacks in Termux

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, brute force attacks remain one of the most common and effective methods employed by hackers to exploit weak credentials. This method involves systematically guessing passwords until the correct one is discovered, making it essential for ethical hackers to understand how to defend against such tactics. Hydra, a robust and versatile password-cracking tool, is specifically designed to carry out brute-force attacks on various web protocols, including HTTP and HTTPS. Mastering Hydra allows you to test the security of web applications and identify vulnerabilities in their authentication systems.

This guide will walk you through using Hydra for brute force attacks in Termux, an Android terminal emulator that offers a Linux-like environment. Whether you are a beginner in ethical hacking or an experienced user looking to expand your toolkit, understanding how to leverage Hydra for web-based brute-force attacks is vital for effective penetration testing. We’ll cover the installation of Hydra, configuration for attacking HTTP and HTTPS login forms, and executing tests against potential vulnerabilities.

Table of Contents


Before diving into brute force attacks with Hydra, ensure you have the following:

  1. Termux Installed: Download Termux from the Google Play Store or its GitHub page.
  2. Hydra Installed: Hydra is not included by default, so you need to install it manually. Instructions will be provided below.
  3. Target Website with Login Form: Obtain explicit permission to conduct brute-force tests on the target website. Unauthorized hacking is illegal and unethical.

Start by updating Termux to keep all packages current:

pkg update && pkg upgrade

Installing Hydra on Termux

To conduct brute force attacks on web login forms, you first need to install Hydra in Termux. Follow these steps:

Update Termux Packages: Run the following command to ensure all packages are updated:sqlCopy codepkg update

Install Hydra: Execute this command to install Hydra

pkg install hydra

Verify Hydra Installation: Confirm that Hydra is functioning by executing:

hydra -h

If successful, you should see Hydra’s help menu, indicating that it is ready for use.

With Hydra installed, you can begin your testing for vulnerabilities through brute force attacks.

Performing a Brute Force Attack on an HTTP Login Form

Executing brute force attacks on web login forms involves repeatedly attempting various username-password combinations until the correct pair is found. Hydra supports both HTTP POST and GET methods, which slightly alters the command syntax depending on the type of form being targeted.

Here’s the basic command for an HTTP brute-force attack:

hydra -l <username> -P <password_list> <target> http-post-form "/login.php:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:F=incorrect"
  • -l <username>: Specifies the username for the attack.
  • -P <password_list>: Points to the file containing potential passwords.
  • <target>: Indicates the IP address or domain of the website.
  • http-post-form: Indicates that the target is an HTTP form utilizing the POST method.
  • /login.php:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^: Specifies the login URL and the field names for username and password, which you should adjust to match the website’s form structure.
  • F=incorrect: Denotes the error message displayed when the login attempt fails.

Example Command for an HTTP Login Form:

hydra -l admin -P passwords.txt example.com http-post-form "/login.php:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:F=Login failed"

In this example, Hydra will try to log in with the username admin using passwords from passwords.txt against the example.com website. The form uses user and pass as field names, while “Login failed” indicates an unsuccessful attempt.

Sample Output:

[DATA] attacking http-post-form://example.com/login.php:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:F=Login failed
[80][http-post-form] host: example.com   login: admin   password: 123456
[STATUS] attack finished for example.com (valid pair found)

The output reveals that Hydra successfully identified the correct password (123456) for the admin account. It lists the host (example.com), the login attempt, and the corresponding password that succeeded.

Brute Force Attacks on HTTPS Forms

When targeting HTTPS login forms, the command structure remains largely the same, but you specify https-post-form instead of http-post-form. Here’s the command for attacking an HTTPS login form:

hydra -l <username> -P <password_list> <target> https-post-form "/login.php:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:F=Login failed"

Example Command for HTTPS Login Form:

hydra -l admin -P passwords.txt secure-example.com https-post-form "/login.php:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:F=Login failed"

Hydra will attempt to crack the login form at secure-example.com using the specified username (admin) and passwords from passwords.txt.

Sample Output:

[DATA] attacking https-post-form://secure-example.com/login.php:user=^USER^&pass=^PASS^:F=Login failed
[443][https-post-form] host: secure-example.com   login: admin   password: letmein
[STATUS] attack finished for secure-example.com (valid pair found)

In this output, Hydra has successfully found the password letmein for the admin account on an HTTPS-protected website.

Creating a Password List for Brute Force Attacks

For effective brute force attacks, Hydra requires a password list (wordlist) containing potential passwords. You can download pre-made wordlists, such as those found in the SecLists project, or create a simple one for your testing.

To create a basic password list file in Termux, run:

echo -e "password123\nadmin\nletmein\n123456\npassword\nqwerty" > passwords.txt

This command generates a file named passwords.txt containing a few common passwords. For more extensive testing, consider using larger wordlists to cover a broader range of possible password combinations.

Ethical Considerations and Security Best Practices

Engaging in brute force attacks without permission is illegal and unethical. Always ensure you have explicit consent to test the security of any web application. Hydra is a tool meant for ethical hacking and penetration testing, and it should only be employed in environments where you have authorization.

To protect your web applications from brute force attacks, consider implementing these security measures:

  • Use CAPTCHA or similar methods to prevent automated login attempts.
  • Limit failed login attempts before locking an account or triggering additional authentication.
  • Encourage users to create strong passwords that are difficult to guess or crack.
  • Implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) to enhance security.

For more security tips, check out our Web Security Best Practices guide, which covers crucial topics like input validation, encryption, and user authentication.


This guide covered how to use Hydra for conducting brute force attacks on HTTP and HTTPS login forms in Termux. By mastering Hydra, ethical hackers can effectively test web applications for vulnerabilities in authentication mechanisms. Always remember to use these techniques responsibly and within legal boundaries.

For additional tutorials on web application security and penetration testing with Termux, visit our Termux Ethical Hacking Archive.

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