A Beginner’s Guide to Brute Force Attacks with Hydra in Termux

A Beginner's Guide to Brute Force Attacks with Hydra in Termux
A Beginner's Guide to Brute Force Attacks with Hydra in Termux

Brute force attacks have been a fundamental part of cybersecurity, often used by hackers to crack passwords and gain unauthorized access to systems. This method works by systematically trying every possible combination of characters until the correct password is found. While brute force attacks can be time-consuming, tools like Hydra make them more efficient by speeding up the process and allowing multiple attack attempts in parallel. Hydra is an incredibly versatile and powerful password-cracking tool that supports a wide range of protocols, including SSH, FTP, HTTP, and more.

In this beginner’s guide, we will walk you through how to use Hydra for performing brute force attacks on Termux, a popular terminal emulator for Android. Termux allows users to leverage powerful Linux tools directly on their mobile devices, making it an excellent platform for learning ethical hacking and penetration testing techniques. With Hydra installed on Termux, you can test systems for weak passwords and reinforce your understanding of brute force attacks. Remember, this guide is for educational purposes only, and these methods should only be used in environments where you have permission to test security vulnerabilities.

Table of Contents


Before we dive into using Hydra for brute force attacks, there are a few prerequisites you need to be aware of. First, you must have a device running Termux—an open-source terminal emulator that brings the Linux command line to Android devices. If you haven’t installed Termux yet, you can easily do so from the Google Play Store or from its official GitHub repository.

Once Termux is set up, ensure that you have a reliable internet connection. This is essential for installing Hydra and downloading any required dependencies. Finally, you should have a basic understanding of how Termux commands work and some familiarity with the concept of brute force attacks. If you’re new to the concept, you might want to read our guide on securing your Termux environment to avoid common vulnerabilities when experimenting with penetration testing.

Important: This guide is for educational purposes only. Never attempt to carry out brute force attacks on systems that you do not own or do not have explicit permission to test.

Installing Hydra in Termux

To begin using Hydra for brute force attacks, you first need to install it in Termux. The installation process is straightforward, but it’s always a good idea to keep your Termux environment updated before installing any new tools. Follow these steps to install Hydra:

Update the package list: This ensures that your Termux environment is up to date with the latest software versions.

pkg update && pkg upgrade 

Explanation: Running this command ensures that all the packages and dependencies in Termux are updated to the latest versions. It’s important because older packages might have compatibility issues with Hydra or other tools.

Install Hydra: After updating, you can install Hydra by running the following command:

pkg install hydra 

Once the installation is complete, verify that Hydra has been installed correctly by checking its version:

hydra -h 

Expected Output:

Hydra v9.1 [https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-hydra] (c) 2021
Usage: hydra [options] target service [options]
Example: hydra -l admin -P passlist.txt ssh

Explanation: The output confirms that Hydra is installed and ready to use. The help message provides details on the available commands and options for running Hydra.

Basic Hydra Command Structure

hydra -l <username> -P <password_list> <target> <protocol>

Hydra’s power comes from its flexibility to target various services and protocols, such as SSH, FTP, HTTP, and more. The general command structure for brute force attacks in Hydra is as follows:

  • -l specifies the username you want to target.
  • -P specifies the path to a password list (a text file containing possible passwords).
  • <target> refers to the IP address or domain name of the system you’re testing.
  • <protocol> refers to the service you want to attack, such as SSH or FTP.

For example, if you want to perform a brute force attack on an SSH server using the username admin and a list of potential passwords stored in passwords.txt, you would use this command:

hydra -l admin -P passwords.txt ssh

Explanation: This command tells Hydra to attempt logging into the SSH service on the system at, trying the username admin with each password in the specified password list. Hydra will continue until it either finds the correct password or exhausts the list.

For a deeper understanding of how Hydra interacts with various protocols, you can read our detailed guide on performing network diagnostics with Termux.

Performing a Brute Force Attack on SSH

One of the most common use cases for Hydra is brute-forcing SSH logins, a protocol widely used for remote system administration. In this section, we will show you how to launch a brute force attack on an SSH server.

Create a password list: If you don’t have a password list, you can create a simple one using the following command:

echo -e "password\n123456\nletmein" > passwords.txt 

Explanation: This command creates a file named passwords.txt containing three common passwords. In real-world scenarios, you would want to use a much larger list, often called a “wordlist,” containing thousands of potential passwords.

Run the Hydra command: Now, use Hydra to attack an SSH server by running the following command:

hydra -l admin -P passwords.txt ssh 

Sample Output:

Hydra v9.1 (c) 2021 by van Hauser/THC & David Maciejak - Please do not use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes.

[DATA] attacking ssh://
[DATA] 3 tasks, 1 server, 3 login tries (l:1/p:3), ~1 try per task
[22][ssh] host:   login: admin   password: letmein
[STATUS] attack finished for (valid pair found)

Explanation: Hydra starts attacking the SSH server at It tries three different passwords from the list (password, 123456, and letmein). The tool successfully cracks the login by discovering that the password letmein works for the user admin. Hydra then stops once the correct credentials are found.Brute-forcing services like SSH can be particularly dangerous if not properly secured. For tips on securing your SSH setup, check out our article on basic network scans using Nmap in Termux.

Performing brute force attacks without explicit permission is illegal and unethical. While Hydra is a powerful tool for penetration testing, using it on systems you do not own or have permission to test can lead to severe legal consequences. It’s important to understand the ethical boundaries of cybersecurity. Brute force attacks can be a helpful part of identifying weak passwords and strengthening system security, but they must always be conducted within legal limits.

If you’re interested in learning more about ethical hacking and security testing, explore our guide to creating a secure penetration testing lab where you can safely practice these techniques.


In this guide, we’ve walked through the process of using Hydra for brute force attacks in Termux, focusing on how to install Hydra, structure your commands, and perform a simple SSH brute force attack. These skills can be valuable when used in legal penetration testing environments to assess system security and identify weak passwords.

Always remember to use these techniques responsibly and ensure you are acting within the confines of the law. Ethical hacking is a critical component of improving cybersecurity, and tools like Hydra are powerful allies when used correctly.

For more tutorials on ethical hacking and penetration testing using Termux, check out our archive of Termux tutorials.

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