How to Use Termux for Network Diagnostics: Ping, Traceroute, and More

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In this guide, we’ll explore how to use Termux for network diagnostics, specifically focusing on tools like ping and traceroute. Termux provides an easy way to run these essential network commands right from your Android device. Whether you’re diagnosing connection issues or monitoring network performance, Termux makes it simple to troubleshoot your network on the go.

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Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. Using Ping for Network Diagnostics
  4. Using Traceroute to Trace Network Paths
  5. Other Network Tools in Termux
  6. Conclusion

Getting Started

First, you need to install the necessary tools in Termux. Most network diagnostic commands are available as part of the inetutils and traceroute packages.

Installing inetutils and traceroute

$ pkg install inetutils traceroute

These packages include common network tools like ping, traceroute, ftp, and more.

1. Using Ping for Network Diagnostics

The ping command is one of the simplest ways to check if a remote host is reachable. It sends ICMP Echo Requests to a host and measures the time it takes to get a response.

Basic Ping Command

$ ping

This will send continuous pings. To limit the number of packets, use the -c flag:

$ ping -c 4

Use Cases for Ping

  • Checking the connectivity to a specific server.
  • Diagnosing network latency and packet loss.

Related Link: How to Install and Use Git in Termux

2. Using Traceroute to Trace Network Paths

traceroute helps you map the route that packets take to reach a destination. This is useful for identifying where network issues might be occurring between your device and a remote server.

Basic Traceroute Command

$ traceroute

This command will display all the hops between your device and the target, helping you pinpoint any problematic points in the route.

Use Cases for Traceroute

  • Identifying bottlenecks in your network path.
  • Troubleshooting slow connections between you and a web server.

External Link: More About Traceroute

3. Other Network Tools in Termux

Termux also supports other useful network tools that can enhance your diagnostics:

Using netstat

netstat displays network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, and more.

$ netstat -tuln

Using nslookup

nslookup queries DNS servers to map domain names to IP addresses.

$ nslookup

Using curl

curl fetches content from web servers and can be used for HTTP diagnostics.

$ curl -I


By using Termux for network diagnostics, you can easily monitor and troubleshoot network issues directly from your Android device. With tools like ping, traceroute, netstat, and more, you’ll have everything you need to keep your network running smoothly.

For further learning, check out our article on How to Share Your Local Web Server with the World Using localtunnel in Termux.

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