How to Install Clang for C Programming in Termux

an android tinkering with a giant letter C. use gritty angsty textured grungy aesthetic.

If you’re looking to dive into C programming in Termux, this guide will help you get started with the Clang compiler. Termux is a powerful terminal emulator for Android that provides a Linux environment on your device. Setting up a C programming environment involves a few straightforward steps. Let’s walk through the process:

an android tinkering with a giant letter C. use gritty angsty textured grungy aesthetic.

Table of Contents

  1. Update Packages
  2. Upgrade Packages
  3. Install Build Essentials
  4. Install Clang
  5. Verify Installation
  6. Write a Sample C Program
  7. Compile the C Program
  8. Run the Program
  9. Use Cases
  10. Who Can Benefit from This?
  11. Additional Resources

1. Update Packages

To ensure that your Termux environment is up-to-date, begin by updating your package list:

$ pkg update

2. Upgrade Packages

Next, upgrade your existing packages to their latest versions:

$ pkg upgrade

3. Install Build Essentials

Install the build-essential package, which includes tools necessary for compiling software:

$ pkg install build-essential

For more information on build-essential, check the Termux Wiki on Packages.

4. Install Clang

Termux uses Clang as an alternative to GCC. Install Clang with:

$ pkg install clang

For a deeper dive into Clang, you can visit the Clang official website.

5. Verify Installation

Confirm that Clang is installed correctly by checking its version:

$ clang --version

6. Write a Sample C Program

Create a simple C program to test your installation. Open a text editor like nano:

$ nano hello.c

Add the following code:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("Hello, Termux!\n");
    return 0;

Save and exit the editor.

7. Compile the C Program

Use Clang to compile your C program:

$ clang hello.c -o hello

This command generates an executable named hello.

8. Run the Program

Execute your compiled program:

$ ./hello

9. Use Cases

  1. Learning Programming on the Go: Termux allows students and enthusiasts to practice C programming without needing a full-fledged computer. This is particularly useful for those who are often away from a traditional workstation.
  2. Affordable Education: Students who cannot afford laptops can use their Android devices to learn and develop C programming skills. Termux turns a smartphone into a functional programming environment, making education more accessible.
  3. Testing and Debugging Code: Developers who are on the move or in environments where carrying a laptop is impractical can use Termux for quick coding, testing, and debugging.
  4. Experimenting with New Tools: For those interested in experimenting with various programming tools and environments, Termux provides a versatile platform for testing and learning without the need for multiple physical devices.

10. Who Can Benefit from This?

  • Students: Particularly those who cannot afford laptops or desktop computers. Termux offers a cost-effective way to engage in programming and software development using only an Android device.
  • Enthusiasts: Individuals interested in programming and development who want to use their smartphone or tablet as a portable coding environment.
  • Developers on the Go: Professionals who need a flexible environment for coding and testing while traveling or in situations where a full computer is not available.

11. Additional Resources

For more tutorials on Termux and programming, check out our Termux How-To Archive.

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